Recent Work

whales in water
penguins diving
A seal laying on snow and rocks in front of a colorful sunset view over the water
kid on a beach

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Meet our founders

christina mittermier gazing at sea christina mittermier gazing at sea in a square aspect ratio

Cristina Mittermeier

Co-Founder and Lead Storyteller

“Extraordinary opportunities exist to restore and sustainably develop our oceans in order to protect them and sustain all life on this planet.”
andy mann in a wetsuit headshot of andy mann in wetsuit holding camera

Andy Mann

Co-Founder and Lead Storyteller

“The ocean is a part of all of us, weaving us together through our hearts, minds, and the very air we breathe. It gives us oxygen, provides food, and moves our spirits in a way that calls us back to the shore.”
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Our legacy
and impact

SeaLegacy’s pioneering photographic expeditions and global campaigns aim to shine a light on the threats our oceans face and the extraordinary opportunities we already have of healing the future — one sustainable solution at a time.

Explore the map
stingrays swimming

Establish highly and fully protected marine protected areas (MPAs) prove to not impact industrial fishing.

A new publication from our dedicated partners, concludes that creating MPAs does not impact the fishing industry’s yield. This work further solidifies the effectiveness of MPAs as a solution for all in improving our ocean’s health.

shark swimming


Species of sharks protected under Panama’s Proposal 37 at CITES

A beacon of hope now shines across our seas. All around our blue planet, a once overlooked group of species heavily targeted for their fins and meat will now have an opportunity to recover. Governments from around the world have recognized their importance and taken action to protect their future.

whale tail


SeaLegacy pledges to support the 30×30 initiative to protect 30% of our ocean by 2030.

In a global push to protect global marine biodiversity, a growing number of countries have pledged and are taking action to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030, a movement known as ’30×30′.

with us


August 2022 – September 2022

Baja California Sur, Mexico

The two seas surrounding Baja California Sur are teeming with the symphony of life and are home to over one third of the world’s cetaceans. This is part of the reason why this marine ecosystem is such a unique and critical stronghold of ocean life.
Explore Baja California Sur, Mexico
Tiger sharks led Dr. Austin Gallagher, founder of Beneath the Waves, to the historic discovery of the world’s largest seagrass bed in The Bahamas.

Tiger sharks led Dr. Austin Gallagher, founder of Beneath the Waves, to the historic discovery of the world’s largest seagrass bed in The Bahamas.

January 2021 – April 2021

The Bahamas

Tiger sharks led Dr. Austin Gallagher, founder of Beneath the Waves, to the historic discovery of the world’s largest seagrass bed in The Bahamas.
Explore The Bahamas
antartica featured seal

January 2017 – July 2018


At the mention of Antarctica, the picture that comes to mind is one of blizzard swept penguin colonies and frozen ice cliffs. The truth is Antarctica is a complex and diverse ecosystem that harbors a surprising density of wildlife and rivals even he richest habitats in the world.
Explore Antarctica